Informal Credentials or Digital Badges

The Digital Scholarship Commons (DSC) awards digital badges, or informal credentialing, for the successful completion of this workshop. We award badges as an informal credential in order to help workshop participants, who wish to, make public the fact that they have developed 3D modelling skills using Fusion 360.

DSC electronic badges are cryptographically signed and have the recipient’s email address embedded in the signing so that it cannot be used by anyone else. Also embedded in the badge is a link to the learning objectives for the workshop so that employers or anyone who sees the badge can determine what was done to earn the badge.

DSC badges are awarded at the request of workshop participants after a DSC staff member has verified that they have successfully completed one or more of the hands-on workshop activities. You can see a list of all the badges offered by the DSC on our Badgr page.

Earn an Informal Credential or Badge for Fusion 360

If you’d like to earn a DSC badge for this workshop, please take photos of two of your completed 3D models from the workshop and email them to:

Learn how you can share your DSC Badge

To learn more about DSC badges and how you can share your them on LinkedIn profile, personal website, or resume, check our DSC Badges webpage.

NEXT STEP: Additional Resources