Linear Regressions
Tips before you start:
- You can pull up documentation for a function by executing
) in the Console. -
Have the tidyverse package installed and the dplyr library loaded in RStudio.
install.packages('tidyverse') library(dplyr)
- dplyr cheat sheet
In this activity, we build linear models to predict the life expectancy with one or more independent/explanatory variables. Download the Life Expectancy dataset by rightblocking on this text and save select “Download linked file as”. Save it in the same folder as your current R project.
Import the dataset by typing the following:
life_expectancy <- read.csv("WHO Life Expectancy Data.csv") #change to the appropriate file path to the downloaded dataset on your computer head(life_expectancy,2)
We are going to use only data from the year of 2015 as it is most recent. Do filtering by
, which we cover in the workshop Introduction to RStudio/Data Manipulation:life_expectancy_2015 <- life_expectancy %>% filter(Year == 2015) head(life_expectancy_2015,2)
command creates linear regression models. It takes the following format:lm([response variable] ~ [predictor variables], data = [data source])
Simple linear regression:
A plot of Schooling vs Life expectancy shows that a linear relationship is reasonable.
selects theSchooling
column in thelife_expectancy_2015
dataset; the sane applies for theLife expectancy
column. Run:plot(life_expectancy_2015$Schooling, life_expectancy_2015$`Life.expectancy`)
We create a simple linear regression model where the response variable is
Life expectancy
and the predictor variable isSchooling
. The model can be written as:life expectancy = slope * schooling + intercept In R:
lm_schooling <- lm(`Life.expectancy` ~ Schooling, data=life_expectancy_2015) summary(lm_schooling)
The small p-values (<0.001) indicate that the estimates for the intercept and slope estimates are statistically significant. The R-squared value of 0.6694 indicates that 66.94% of the variation in Life expectancy can be explained by Schooling. We can write the model mathematically as: Life expectancy = 2.2287 * Schooling + 42.9016
Add this regression line to the plot with
- Get the 95% confidence interval for the coefficient estimates:
Linear regression makes several assumptions about the data:
Linearity of the data & constant variance: we want to check the Residuals vs Fitted plot for no pattern, the red line should be fairly flat, the points should be equally scattered.
plot(lm_schooling, 1)
Normality: points should be close to the line in the Normal Q-Q plot.
plot(lm_schooling, 2)
Overall the assumptions are met. However, there seem to be a few outliers seen in the Schooling vs. Life expectancy plot. We may want to examine these data points in further analysis.
Multiple linear regression:
We want to expand our model to consider an additional predictor variable, BMI. Run the following code:
plot(select(life_expectancy_2015, one_of(c("Life expectancy", "BMI", "Schooling"))))
From the plot, BMI doesn’t look as good as Schooling as a predictor of Life expectancy. But we will go ahead and fit a multiple regression model to have a concrete result.
Create a multiple linear regression model where the response variable is Life expectancy and the independent variables are BMI and Schooling. The model can be written as: Life expectancy = slope_1 * BMI + slope_2 * Schooling + intercept
Run the following code for that model:
lm_multiple <- lm(life_expectancy_2015$`Life expectancy` ~ life_expectancy_2015$Schooling + life_expectancy_2015$BMI, data=life_expectancy_2015) summary(lm_multiple)
As we thought, BMI is not a significant variable with a p-value of 0.234. The model is still significant however, with p-value of 2.2e^-16, because Schooling is included. We conclude that the simple regression model adequately fits the data. For the sake of completeness, the multiple regression model can be written as:
Life expectancy = 2.16981 * Schooling + 0.02442 * BMI + 42.57196
Similar to the simple model, this command produces graphs to check the model assumptions.
Conduct a single or multiple regression analysis with other variables of your choosing:
- Make a scatter plot to explore their linear relationship
- Build a linear regression model
- Assess the results. Let the instructors know if you need help! This activity’s code in your Markdown file may look like this: