Linear Regressions

Tips before you start:

  • You can pull up documentation for a function by executing ?function (e.g. ?lm) in the Console.
  • Have the tidyverse package installed and the dplyr library loaded in RStudio.

  • dplyr cheat sheet

In this activity, we build linear models to predict the life expectancy with one or more independent/explanatory variables. Download the Life Expectancy dataset by rightblocking on this text and save select “Download linked file as”. Save it in the same folder as your current R project.

Data source.

  1. Import the dataset by typing the following:

    life_expectancy <- read.csv("WHO Life Expectancy Data.csv") #change to the appropriate file path to the downloaded dataset on your computer

    We are going to use only data from the year of 2015 as it is most recent. Do filtering by dplyr, which we cover in the workshop Introduction to RStudio/Data Manipulation:

    life_expectancy_2015 <- life_expectancy %>% filter(Year == 2015)

    The lm(...) command creates linear regression models. It takes the following format:

    lm([response variable] ~ [predictor variables], data = [data source])
  2. Simple linear regression:

    • A plot of Schooling vs Life expectancy shows that a linear relationship is reasonable. life_expectancy_2015$Schooling selects the Schooling column in the life_expectancy_2015 dataset; the sane applies for the Life expectancy column. Run:

      plot(life_expectancy_2015$Schooling, life_expectancy_2015$`Life.expectancy`)
    • We create a simple linear regression model where the response variable is Life expectancy and the predictor variable is Schooling. The model can be written as:

      life expectancy = slope * schooling + intercept In R:

      lm_schooling <- lm(`Life.expectancy` ~ Schooling, data=life_expectancy_2015)

      plot the data

      The small p-values (<0.001) indicate that the estimates for the intercept and slope estimates are statistically significant. The R-squared value of 0.6694 indicates that 66.94% of the variation in Life expectancy can be explained by Schooling. We can write the model mathematically as: Life expectancy = 2.2287 * Schooling + 42.9016

    • Add this regression line to the plot with abline(lm_schooling)

      regression line

    • Get the 95% confidence interval for the coefficient estimates: confint(lm_schooling)
    • Linear regression makes several assumptions about the data:

      Linearity of the data & constant variance: we want to check the Residuals vs Fitted plot for no pattern, the red line should be fairly flat, the points should be equally scattered.

      plot(lm_schooling, 1)

      fitted line

      Normality: points should be close to the line in the Normal Q-Q plot.

      plot(lm_schooling, 2)


      Overall the assumptions are met. However, there seem to be a few outliers seen in the Schooling vs. Life expectancy plot. We may want to examine these data points in further analysis.

  3. Multiple linear regression:

    • We want to expand our model to consider an additional predictor variable, BMI. Run the following code:

      plot(select(life_expectancy_2015, one_of(c("Life expectancy", "BMI", "Schooling"))))

      multiple plots

      From the plot, BMI doesn’t look as good as Schooling as a predictor of Life expectancy. But we will go ahead and fit a multiple regression model to have a concrete result.

    • Create a multiple linear regression model where the response variable is Life expectancy and the independent variables are BMI and Schooling. The model can be written as: Life expectancy = slope_1 * BMI + slope_2 * Schooling + intercept

      Run the following code for that model:

      lm_multiple <- lm(life_expectancy_2015$`Life expectancy` ~ life_expectancy_2015$Schooling + life_expectancy_2015$BMI, data=life_expectancy_2015)

      modelling life expectancy

      As we thought, BMI is not a significant variable with a p-value of 0.234. The model is still significant however, with p-value of 2.2e^-16, because Schooling is included. We conclude that the simple regression model adequately fits the data. For the sake of completeness, the multiple regression model can be written as:

      Life expectancy = 2.16981 * Schooling + 0.02442 * BMI + 42.57196

    • Similar to the simple model, this command produces graphs to check the model assumptions.

  4. Conduct a single or multiple regression analysis with other variables of your choosing:

    • Make a scatter plot to explore their linear relationship
    • Build a linear regression model
    • Assess the results. Let the instructors know if you need help! This activity’s code in your Markdown file may look like this: act3 Rmd screenshot

NEXT STEP: Interactive Data Dashboard With RShiny