5-Data Manipulation
DSC Chloe Farr 2024-01-18
- Data Manipulation with Tidyverse
Data Manipulation with Tidyverse
If you and your group have any questions or get stuck as you work through this in-class exercise, please ask the instructor for assistance. Have fun!
1. Getting Ready for Tidyverse : Installing Packages
One of the most fascinating things about R is that it has an active community developing a lot of packages everyday, which makes R powerful. A package is a compilation of functions (data sets, code, documentations and tests) external to R that provide it with additional capabilities.
We can install packages in the console using the install.packages()
⭐ Task 1-1
Install the tidyverse package in the Console window.
Package name: tidyverse
Check your code
Hint: wrap the package name in ""
quotations, because it is a string type.
Note: The installation may take a while, sometimes up to 10-15 minutes. When it’s complete, the right angle bracket >
will appear at the last line of your console.
Confirm installation
To check if the package is installed, enter the following in the console
# Paste both lines into the console, and then run.
installed <- installed.packages()
"tidyverse" %in% rownames(installed)
## [1] TRUE
Why no quotations for library()?
When you install a package in R using install.packages()
, the package name must be a character string, hence the quotes. This is because install.packages()
is a function that takes a character vector as its argument, representing the names of the packages to be installed.
However, when you load a package using library()
or require()
, you’re not passing a character string; instead, you’re using a non-evaluated expression that refers to the package name. Here, the package name is an object of mode “name” which library()
interprets as the name of a package to load.
In summary, the quotes are needed for install.packages()
because it expects a character string, while library()
is designed to take an unquoted name that it interprets as a package name.
Load the ‘tidyverse’ library.
After we install a package, we have to load it using the library()
Do not wrap the package name in quotes when using
. -
❗ Put this command in your R script, not in the console. Why? The package only needs to be installed once, but it needs to be loaded any time you open your script.
- Packages also need to be reloaded every time the project is ‘knit’, an action covered in the intermediate workshop.
Check Your Code
library(tidyverse) #then, as always, type 'enter' or 'return' to submit the command for execution
2. Getting data
⭐ Task 2-1
Download and import data
From this link download the following data we have prepared for you to use in this activity.
Save the file in the same folder as your R script.
Import the data as you learned in the previous activity.
If you have your own data, you may use that as well although it may not line up with the instructions in the activity.
Note: Activities 3 and 4 draw from Kaggle’s Manipulating Data with the Tidyverse.
3. Preparing our Workspace
In this activity, we will be working with a table containing information about shipping orders Each row represents one order, and each column represents a specific type of data pertaining to the orders
- Rename your data set to
#if your file cannot be found, enter `getwd()` into your console and it will tell you the file path you should most likely use. If you cannot find the file, use Option a.
# replace "docs/" with the folder that the file is in. Please do not save the file to your Downloads folder and leave it there.
purchaseData <- read.csv("docs/Global_Superstore_Orders_2016.csv")
❗ For larger data sets, it’s better to preview than view our data. Purchase Data has quite a few columns and rows! Let’s take a look at the first few rows and get the dimensions (number of rows and columns) of the data set.
We can preview the data set using the head()
function. This will display the first number of rows.
- Parameters (in order):
- data set name
- number of rows to display
Note: In cases where there are more columns that fit horizontally in the console, the results will wrap, as seen in the output of Task 3-1.
⭐ Task 3-1
Look at the first 5 rows of our purchase data.
Check your code
# name of data set name: "purchaseData"
# number of rows to display: 5
head(purchaseData, 5)
Hint: head(*data setName*, *numberOfRows*)
The following will be the output (For the purpose of readability, this only shows 6 columns. Your output will be much wider, and columns will continue to wrap below!):
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 40098 CA-2014-AB10015140-41954 2014-11-11 2014-11-13 First Class
## 2 26341 IN-2014-JR162107-41675 2014-02-05 2014-02-07 Second Class
## 3 25330 IN-2014-CR127307-41929 2014-10-17 2014-10-18 First Class
## 4 13524 ES-2014-KM1637548-41667 2014-01-28 2014-01-30 First Class
## 5 47221 SG-2014-RH9495111-41948 2014-11-05 2014-11-06 Same Day
## Customer_ID
## 1 AB-100151402
## 2 JR-162107
## 3 CR-127307
## 4 KM-1637548
## 5 RH-9495111
We can find out the dimensions (rows and columns) using thedim()
- Parameter: data set name
Now, we’ve imported our data and previewed the first 10 rows of our purchase data, but how big is the data set?
- How many rows?
- How many columns?
⭐ Task 3-2
Find out the dimensions of the data set, i.e., number of rows and columns.
Check your code
## name of data set name: "purchaseData"
## [1] 51290 24
📍 Reminder! Save your work
4. Introducing Piping
This symbol is known as a “pipe,” and it’s used for feeding the result of one function directly into the next function.
- e.g., To sort the column names alphabetically, you could either enter:
- two separate commands creating two data objects
- utilize piping to create one data object for your target object.
In pipes, you can choose to have a newline (shift+enter) after the %>% symbol or leave it all on one line.
4.1 Before Piping
Piping allows us to perform multiple functions at once to achieve a single result. So far, we have looked at commands that perform single operations.
- Create a variable whose value is a single word
y <- "word"
- Create a variable whose value by mathematical expression
x <- 1-2
- viewing the dimensions of a data set
What if we want to get a list of column names in our data set, AND sort it alphabetically?
- There are 2 ways that we can do this without the tidyverse package based on what we’ve already learned.
For the following activity, we’ll be using column names of our data frame.
- To get a list of our column names we can use the
function.- parameter: data frame
- In this case, results appear in a vector rather than a list because the column names are all the same data type (strings).
- Note: The
function is only useful for data frames and matrices for which we have column names.
⭐ Task 4.1-1
Create an object
Create an object containing the list of column names from our purchase data.
- Name this object
Check your code
purchaseDataColumnNames <- names(purchaseData)
We can sort vectors into ascending and descending order (low to high or high to low) using the sort()
- Parameter: the vector of column names
Let’s look at each of these functions on their own.
⭐ Task 4.1-2
Create an object
Create an containing the list of column names from our purchase data that is sorted alphabetically.
- Name this object
Check your code
alphaPurchaseDataColumnNames <- sort(purchaseDataColumnNames)
Hint: You already created the vector containing the list of column names from our purchase data!
In Tasks 4.1-1 and 4.1-2, we ran two commands resulting in two separate variables containing the column names:
: Ordered as they would be if the file were opened in excelalphaPurchaseDataColumnNames
: Ordered alphabetically (sorted)
However, if we only care about the list of column names if they are sorted alphabetically:
- We can achieve that using only 1 command,
- creating only 1 variable with “nesting”.
Definition - Nesting: Use one function as a parameter of another function.
- e.g.,
⭐ Task 4.1-3
Create a variable through nested functions
In this task, use nesting to create 1 variable containing a sorted vector of the column names.
- Name this variable:
Check your code
#names(purchaseData) creates a vector object of the column names from our purchase data
# sort() Orders the items in the purchase data column names alphabetically
alphabeticalColumnNames <- sort(names(purchaseData))
Hints: the parameter of names()
is the sort()
function, and the parameter of sort()
is the data set.
As you might imagine, nesting could result in very long commands that would be hard to interpret.
There is a cleaner way to do this than nesting: Piping!
4.2 Piping
To pipe a command instead of nesting, we will enter the commands sequentially, separated by the pipe symbol %>%
Creating a new variable with 2 criteria (functions or expressions): newVariable <- criteria1() %>% criteria2()
Previewing our data with 2 criteria: criteria1() %>% criteria2()
⭐ Task 4.2-1
Create a variable through piping
In this task, use piping to create 1 variable containing the first 5 column names.
- Do not use objects you have created so far, except
- Name your new variable:
Check your code
# 'purchaseDataNamesPeek <-' creates a new variable
# 'names(purchaseData)' retrieves the column names from our purcgase data as a vector
# The pipe '%>%' passes the names vector to the 'head()' function
# 'head(5)' then extracts the first five elements (columns) of this vector
# The result is a 5-item vector of column names assigned to 'purchaseDataNamesPeek'
purchaseDataNamesPeek <- names(purchaseData) %>% head(5)
#remember, you can view the value assigned to a variable by entering just that variable name
## [1] "Row_ID" "Order_ID" "Order_Date" "Ship_Date" "Ship_Mode"
Hint: the parameter of names()
is the head()
If you want to simply view what the first five column names are, but don’t need to reference them later, you don’t need to create a new variable.
Show code for previewing with piping
# Do not begin the command with `newVariableName <-`
names(purchaseData) %>% head(5)
## [1] "Row_ID" "Order_ID" "Order_Date" "Ship_Date" "Ship_Mode"
When we work with data, it can be useful to work with smaller sections of data.
In the remainder of activity 4, we will look at ways to select subsets of our data to make it easier to work with.
- We will use piping to filter productData based on different conditions, such as:
- Previewing only the column names that begin with
- Previewing only the purchases from Tampa Bay
- Previewing only the purchases that are corporate orders
- Previewing only the purchases from Tampa that aren’t critical priority
- Previewing only the column names that begin with
Before we begin to filter, we need to look at Operators.
Definition - “Operators”: Special symbols or keywords used to perform operations on arguments - logical operators specifically designed for connecting or modifying boolean (true/false) logic statements.
- Logical operators
- < means “less than”
- <= means “less than or equal to”
- > means “greater than”
- >= means “greater than or equal to”
- == means “exactly equal to”
- != means “not equal to”
- Connecting logical statements:
- x | y means “x or y”
- x & y means “x and y”
📍 Reminder! Save your work
4.3 Selecting specific columns
The commands in this section (4.3) will not create data objects as we won’t be using them later on.
- End each command in this section with %>% head(5)
Not ending functions that extract full columns of data will display a LOT.
This will make things easier for you.
To get a specific column, use piping and the
function on your data set.- The parameter is the name of the column you want to access.
⭐ Task 4.3-1
View a vector
Preview the values in the Row ID column.
- Column name:
Check your code
#data set %>% select the column titled `Row ID` and view the first 5 items.
purchaseData %>% select(Row_ID) %>% head(5)
## Row_ID
## 1 40098
## 2 26341
## 3 25330
## 4 13524
## 5 47221
Hint: Begin with the name of the data set, followed by your select function passing in the column name as the parameter.
To select all of the columns from our data set that do not start with specific text, we do the inverse,
- Again using the
function - The parameter has a minus sign
before the string value we want to exclude.
⭐ Task 4.3-2
Get a set of vectors from data frame
Select all the columns from your purchase data that do not start with “Postal_Code”.
Check your code
purchaseData %>% select(-Postal_Code) %>% head(5)
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 40098 CA-2014-AB10015140-41954 2014-11-11 2014-11-13 First Class
## 2 26341 IN-2014-JR162107-41675 2014-02-05 2014-02-07 Second Class
## 3 25330 IN-2014-CR127307-41929 2014-10-17 2014-10-18 First Class
## 4 13524 ES-2014-KM1637548-41667 2014-01-28 2014-01-30 First Class
## 5 47221 SG-2014-RH9495111-41948 2014-11-05 2014-11-06 Same Day
## Customer_ID Customer_Name Segment City State
## 1 AB-100151402 Aaron Bergman Consumer Oklahoma City Oklahoma
## 2 JR-162107 Justin Ritter Corporate Wollongong New South Wales
## 3 CR-127307 Craig Reiter Consumer Brisbane Queensland
## 4 KM-1637548 Katherine Murray Home Office Berlin Berlin
## 5 RH-9495111 Rick Hansen Consumer Dakar Dakar
## Country Region Market Product_ID Category Sub_Category
## 1 United States Central US USCA TEC-PH-5816 Technology Phones
## 2 Australia Oceania Asia Pacific FUR-CH-5379 Furniture Chairs
## 3 Australia Oceania Asia Pacific TEC-PH-5356 Technology Phones
## 4 Germany Western Europe Europe TEC-PH-5267 Technology Phones
## 5 Senegal Western Africa Africa TEC-CO-6011 Technology Copiers
## Product_Name Sales Quantity Discount Profit
## 1 Samsung Convoy 3 221.98 2 0.0 62.15
## 2 Novimex Executive Leather Armchair, Black 3709.40 9 0.1 -288.77
## 3 Nokia Smart Phone, with Caller ID 5175.17 9 0.1 919.97
## 4 Motorola Smart Phone, Cordless 2892.51 5 0.1 -96.54
## 5 Sharp Wireless Fax, High-Speed 2832.96 8 0.0 311.52
## Shipping_Cost Order_Priority
## 1 40.77 High
## 2 923.63 Critical
## 3 915.49 Medium
## 4 910.16 Medium
## 5 903.04 Critical
❗ We can also select a subset of columns
e.g., columns whose names begin with a common string of characters.
This will return a subset of our table, not necessarily a single vector
In our data set, multiple column names begin with “Product”. We want to see only the data of columns whose names begin with “Product.” The following explains the process.
Use piping on your purchaseData
purchaseData %>%
Use the
function to select the columns -
Use the
function as the parameter forselect()
notes that you’re selecting all columns that start with a specific name
- rather one column that is exactly equal or not equal to a specific value
The parameter for
is the value of the beginning of all columns you want to select.
⭐ Task 4.3-3
Get a set of vectors from data frame
Select all the columns from our cleaned purchase data that start with “Product”.
Write the one-line command to achieve this with piping
Check your code
# Selects all columns (and their values) from purchaseData whose names begin with "Product"
purchaseData %>% select(starts_with("Product")) %>% head(5)
## Product_ID Product_Name
## 1 TEC-PH-5816 Samsung Convoy 3
## 2 FUR-CH-5379 Novimex Executive Leather Armchair, Black
## 3 TEC-PH-5356 Nokia Smart Phone, with Caller ID
## 4 TEC-PH-5267 Motorola Smart Phone, Cordless
## 5 TEC-CO-6011 Sharp Wireless Fax, High-Speed
4.4 Select specific rows based on a condition
While we may only want to handle certain items (rows) in our data set based on certain criteria.
This is called “filtering”
We can filter for different purposes, like processing statistical operations, making charts and so on.
We can even create new data objects, which can make future analyses easier.
To select items (rows, not columns), we use the filter()
- The parameter for
is the name of the column holding the values that are being filtered.
⭐ Task 4.4-1
Filter conditionally
Filter all the rows from your purchase data where Quantity
is greater than 10.
Check your code
purchaseData %>% filter(Quantity > 10) %>% head(5)
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 27704 IN-2014-PF1912027-41796 2014-06-06 2014-06-08 Second Class
## 2 12069 ES-2015-PJ1883564-42255 2015-09-08 2015-09-14 Standard Class
## 3 15380 ES-2015-PO18865139-42018 2015-01-14 2015-01-18 Standard Class
## 4 25795 IN-2015-VG2180558-42273 2015-09-26 2015-09-28 Second Class
## 5 6550 MX-2015-JH15820141-42356 2015-12-18 2015-12-20 Second Class
## Customer_ID Customer_Name Segment Postal_Code City
## 1 PF-1912027 Peter Fuller Consumer NA Mudanjiang
## 2 PJ-1883564 Patrick Jones Corporate NA Prato
## 3 PO-18865139 Patrick O'Donnell Consumer NA Stockton-on-Tees
## 4 VG-2180558 Vivek Grady Corporate NA Thiruvananthapuram
## 5 JH-15820141 John Huston Consumer NA Paysandú
## State Country Region Market Product_ID
## 1 Heilongjiang China Eastern Asia Asia Pacific OFF-AP-4959
## 2 Tuscany Italy Southern Europe Europe OFF-AP-4743
## 3 England United Kingdom Northern Europe Europe TEC-CO-3598
## 4 Kerala India Southern Asia Asia Pacific FUR-BO-5951
## 5 Paysandú Uruguay South America LATAM FUR-CH-4531
## Category Sub_Category
## 1 Office Supplies Appliances
## 2 Office Supplies Appliances
## 3 Technology Copiers
## 4 Furniture Bookcases
## 5 Furniture Chairs
## Product_Name Sales Quantity Discount
## 1 KitchenAid Microwave, White 3701.52 12 0
## 2 Hoover Stove, Red 7958.58 14 0
## 3 Brother Fax Machine, Laser 4141.02 13 0
## 4 Sauder Classic Bookcase, Traditional 5667.87 13 0
## 5 Harbour Creations Executive Leather Armchair, Black 3473.14 11 0
## Profit Shipping_Cost Order_Priority
## 1 1036.08 804.54 Critical
## 2 3979.08 778.32 Low
## 3 1697.67 668.96 High
## 4 2097.03 658.35 Medium
## 5 868.12 634.53 High
Hint: >
is the ‘greater than’ operator.
⭐ Task 4.4-2
Filter conditionally
Filter all the rows from your purchase data where City
is “Sydney”.
Check your code
purchaseData %>% filter(City == "Sydney") %>% head(5)
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 22732 IN-2014-JM156557-41818 2014-06-28 2014-07-01 Second Class
## 2 25026 IN-2013-RP192707-41438 2013-06-13 2013-06-13 Same Day
## 3 29629 IN-2014-LC168857-41747 2014-04-18 2014-04-19 First Class
## 4 21263 IN-2015-MB173057-42179 2015-06-24 2015-06-28 Standard Class
## 5 20521 IN-2015-BE114557-42080 2015-03-17 2015-03-22 Second Class
## Customer_ID Customer_Name Segment Postal_Code City State
## 1 JM-156557 Jim Mitchum Corporate NA Sydney New South Wales
## 2 RP-192707 Rachel Payne Corporate NA Sydney New South Wales
## 3 LC-168857 Lena Creighton Consumer NA Sydney New South Wales
## 4 MB-173057 Maria Bertelson Consumer NA Sydney New South Wales
## 5 BE-114557 Brad Eason Home Office NA Sydney New South Wales
## Country Region Market Product_ID Category Sub_Category
## 1 Australia Oceania Asia Pacific TEC-PH-5842 Technology Phones
## 2 Australia Oceania Asia Pacific TEC-CO-3611 Technology Copiers
## 3 Australia Oceania Asia Pacific TEC-CO-6012 Technology Copiers
## 4 Australia Oceania Asia Pacific FUR-BO-5948 Furniture Bookcases
## 5 Australia Oceania Asia Pacific TEC-CO-4568 Technology Copiers
## Product_Name Sales Quantity Discount Profit
## 1 Samsung Smart Phone, with Caller ID 2862.68 5 0.1 763.28
## 2 Brother Wireless Fax, Laser 3068.36 9 0.1 1124.90
## 3 Sharp Wireless Fax, Laser 1601.64 5 0.1 587.19
## 4 Sauder Classic Bookcase, Metal 5486.67 14 0.1 2316.51
## 5 Hewlett Copy Machine, Color 3299.56 14 0.1 366.28
## Shipping_Cost Order_Priority
## 1 897.35 Critical
## 2 555.77 High
## 3 511.47 Critical
## 4 346.60 Medium
## 5 336.02 Medium
Hint: ==
is used for “equal to”
⭐ Task 4.4-3
Create a data frame
Create a new data frame with all the rows from purchaseData where Country
is “United States” and Discount
is greater than 0.
Name this data frame:
:heavy_exclamation_mark: Do not add ” %>% head(5)” to the command when creating a new data frame
Check your code
discountedUSPurchases <- purchaseData %>% filter(Country == "United States" & Discount > 0)
#view your data frame
discountedUSPurchases %>% head(5)
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 36258 CA-2012-AB10015140-40974 2012-03-06 2012-03-07 First Class
## 2 39519 CA-2012-AB10015140-40958 2012-02-19 2012-02-25 Standard Class
## 3 40977 CA-2013-AH10030140-41635 2013-12-27 2013-12-31 Standard Class
## 4 36651 CA-2012-AH10030140-41041 2012-05-12 2012-05-18 Standard Class
## 5 37425 US-2012-AH10030140-41206 2012-10-24 2012-10-27 First Class
## Customer_ID Customer_Name Segment Postal_Code City State
## 1 AB-100151404 Aaron Bergman Consumer 98103 Seattle Washington
## 2 AB-100151402 Aaron Bergman Consumer 76017 Arlington Texas
## 3 AH-100301404 Aaron Hawkins Corporate 94122 San Francisco California
## 4 AH-100301404 Aaron Hawkins Corporate 90004 Los Angeles California
## 5 AH-100301404 Aaron Hawkins Corporate 94109 San Francisco California
## Country Region Market Product_ID Category Sub_Category
## 1 United States Western US USCA FUR-CH-4421 Furniture Chairs
## 2 United States Central US USCA OFF-ST-3078 Office Supplies Storage
## 3 United States Western US USCA TEC-PH-4389 Technology Phones
## 4 United States Western US USCA FUR-CH-4840 Furniture Chairs
## 5 United States Western US USCA OFF-BI-4372 Office Supplies Binders
## Product_Name Sales Quantity Discount Profit
## 1 Global Push Button Manager's Chair, Indigo 48.71 1 0.2 5.48
## 2 Akro Stacking Bins 12.62 2 0.2 -2.52
## 3 Geemarc AmpliPOWER60 668.16 9 0.2 75.17
## 4 Iceberg Nesting Folding Chair, 19w x 6d x 43h 279.46 6 0.2 20.96
## 5 GBC VeloBind Cover Sets 49.41 4 0.2 18.53
## Shipping_Cost Order_Priority
## 1 11.13 High
## 2 1.97 Low
## 3 45.74 Medium
## 4 11.69 Medium
## 5 2.84 High
Hint: &
is used for “and”, in cases where you want to manage multiple cases like filtering my two variables
- e.g., values of the Sub_Category
and Order_Priority
📍 Reminder! Save your work
4.5 Modify a data frame with mutate()
“Mutation” involves creating or altering columns in a data frame,
- using the
function- e.g., If you have a column with a range of numbers, but you want to be able to quickly work with the data only over or under a specific value, like any orders under $10, you can create a “Cheap” column and the values would be TRUE or FALSE.
- adds new variables or modifies existing ones.
Here’s how we’ll do it:
- Assign the mutation (modification) to an existing variable
existing_data frame_name <-
- Identify the existing variable name of the object you want to mutate
- Use a pipe to identify the action being performed on our existing variable
- Identify that the action being performed on the existing variable is the mutation
- using the
- using the
- Pass the condition in as the parameter for the
function- If we want to add a variable (column), begin the parameter of
withnew_column_name =
means the values assigned to each item in that column is generated by the following condition- The new column name is
and is followed by= (condition)
- Say we want to add a column that has a TRUE/FALSE variable (aka boolean) for whether the order priority is low.
- The condition will be
Order_Priority == "Low"
means “the left value is equal to the right value”- aka. The result will be everything in the data that is “Low”
- The condition will be
- If we want to add a variable (column), begin the parameter of
purchaseData <- purchaseData %>% mutate(Low_Priority = (Order_Priority == "Low"))
#view first 3 rows of your data frame
purchaseData %>% head(3)
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 40098 CA-2014-AB10015140-41954 2014-11-11 2014-11-13 First Class
## 2 26341 IN-2014-JR162107-41675 2014-02-05 2014-02-07 Second Class
## 3 25330 IN-2014-CR127307-41929 2014-10-17 2014-10-18 First Class
## Customer_ID Customer_Name Segment Postal_Code City
## 1 AB-100151402 Aaron Bergman Consumer 73120 Oklahoma City
## 2 JR-162107 Justin Ritter Corporate NA Wollongong
## 3 CR-127307 Craig Reiter Consumer NA Brisbane
## State Country Region Market Product_ID Category
## 1 Oklahoma United States Central US USCA TEC-PH-5816 Technology
## 2 New South Wales Australia Oceania Asia Pacific FUR-CH-5379 Furniture
## 3 Queensland Australia Oceania Asia Pacific TEC-PH-5356 Technology
## Sub_Category Product_Name Sales Quantity
## 1 Phones Samsung Convoy 3 221.98 2
## 2 Chairs Novimex Executive Leather Armchair, Black 3709.40 9
## 3 Phones Nokia Smart Phone, with Caller ID 5175.17 9
## Discount Profit Shipping_Cost Order_Priority Low_Priority
## 1 0.0 62.15 40.77 High FALSE
## 2 0.1 -288.77 923.63 Critical FALSE
## 3 0.1 919.97 915.49 Medium FALSE
⭐ Task 4.5-1
Add a column to your dataframe
Now try it yourself. Add a new boolean (TRUE/FALSE) variable (column) to the purchase data that identifies whether a purchase’s shipping cost is greater than 100 dollars.
- Name the new column:
- The value will be TRUE if the
value is over (>
) 100.
Check your code
purchaseData <- purchaseData %>% mutate(High_Shipping = (Shipping_Cost > 100))
#view your data frame
purchaseData %>% head(5)
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 40098 CA-2014-AB10015140-41954 2014-11-11 2014-11-13 First Class
## 2 26341 IN-2014-JR162107-41675 2014-02-05 2014-02-07 Second Class
## 3 25330 IN-2014-CR127307-41929 2014-10-17 2014-10-18 First Class
## 4 13524 ES-2014-KM1637548-41667 2014-01-28 2014-01-30 First Class
## 5 47221 SG-2014-RH9495111-41948 2014-11-05 2014-11-06 Same Day
## Customer_ID Customer_Name Segment Postal_Code City
## 1 AB-100151402 Aaron Bergman Consumer 73120 Oklahoma City
## 2 JR-162107 Justin Ritter Corporate NA Wollongong
## 3 CR-127307 Craig Reiter Consumer NA Brisbane
## 4 KM-1637548 Katherine Murray Home Office NA Berlin
## 5 RH-9495111 Rick Hansen Consumer NA Dakar
## State Country Region Market Product_ID
## 1 Oklahoma United States Central US USCA TEC-PH-5816
## 2 New South Wales Australia Oceania Asia Pacific FUR-CH-5379
## 3 Queensland Australia Oceania Asia Pacific TEC-PH-5356
## 4 Berlin Germany Western Europe Europe TEC-PH-5267
## 5 Dakar Senegal Western Africa Africa TEC-CO-6011
## Category Sub_Category Product_Name Sales
## 1 Technology Phones Samsung Convoy 3 221.98
## 2 Furniture Chairs Novimex Executive Leather Armchair, Black 3709.40
## 3 Technology Phones Nokia Smart Phone, with Caller ID 5175.17
## 4 Technology Phones Motorola Smart Phone, Cordless 2892.51
## 5 Technology Copiers Sharp Wireless Fax, High-Speed 2832.96
## Quantity Discount Profit Shipping_Cost Order_Priority Low_Priority
## 1 2 0.0 62.15 40.77 High FALSE
## 2 9 0.1 -288.77 923.63 Critical FALSE
## 3 9 0.1 919.97 915.49 Medium FALSE
## 4 5 0.1 -96.54 910.16 Medium FALSE
## 5 8 0.0 311.52 903.04 Critical FALSE
## High_Shipping
## 1 FALSE
## 2 TRUE
## 3 TRUE
## 4 TRUE
## 5 TRUE
Hint: Shipping_Cost > 100
⭐ Task 4.5-2
Add a new column based on TWO conditions
Add a new variable Discounted_US
that is TRUE if the purchase is made in the United States and has been discounted
- Filter for United States orders using the
column - Filter for discounted orders by selecting all objects where the values in the
column are greater than 0.
Check your code
purchaseData <- purchaseData %>% mutate(Discounted_US = (Country == "United States" & Discount > 0))
#We can then get summary of our new variable values (i.e., the number or True values and number of False values in the new 'Discounted_US' column)
#request a summary of the values in the table $ column name
## logical 46094 5196
Hint: logicalStatement & logicalStatement
4.6 Sorting data with arrange()
Being able to arrange data by ordering values numerically or alphabetically is particularly handy for swiftly identifying which measurements recorded the highest or lowest values.
The arrange()
function enables you to order your data frame according to the values of a specific variable.
Parameter of
This is particularly handy for swiftly identifying which measurements recorded the highest or lowest values.
When using arrange()
, you specify the column name that you wish to organize by.
- In this case, it will arrange the data based on the sales value
- a new variable that we recently formulated using
- a new variable that we recently formulated using
hint: You can also use the sort()
function but it only takes a vector parameter, not a data frame.
⭐ Task 4.6-1
Sort data frame
Update purchaseData
to sort objects by price (low to high).
Check your code
purchaseData <- purchaseData %>% arrange(Sales)
#view your data frame
purchaseData %>% head(5)
## Row_ID Order_ID Order_Date Ship_Date Ship_Mode
## 1 35398 US-2015-ZC21910140-42175 2015-06-20 2015-06-24 Standard Class
## 2 40589 CA-2015-RS19765140-42066 2015-03-03 2015-03-03 Same Day
## 3 39955 CA-2014-KB16600140-41812 2014-06-22 2014-06-26 Standard Class
## 4 36008 CA-2012-JO15280140-40998 2012-03-30 2012-03-30 Same Day
## 5 33403 US-2012-HG14965140-41177 2012-09-25 2012-09-25 Same Day
## Customer_ID Customer_Name Segment Postal_Code City State
## 1 ZC-219101402 Zuschuss Carroll Consumer 77095 Houston Texas
## 2 RS-197651402 Roland Schwarz Corporate 76706 Waco Texas
## 3 KB-166001402 Ken Brennan Corporate 60623 Chicago Illinois
## 4 JO-152801406 Jas O'Carroll Consumer 19120 Philadelphia Pennsylvania
## 5 HG-149651402 Henry Goldwyn Corporate 75150 Mesquite Texas
## Country Region Market Product_ID Category Sub_Category
## 1 United States Central US USCA OFF-AP-4739 Office Supplies Appliances
## 2 United States Central US USCA OFF-BI-2935 Office Supplies Binders
## 3 United States Central US USCA OFF-BI-3268 Office Supplies Binders
## 4 United States Eastern US USCA OFF-BI-3318 Office Supplies Binders
## 5 United States Central US USCA OFF-BI-2880 Office Supplies Binders
## Product_Name
## 1 Hoover Replacement Belt for Commercial Guardsman Heavy-Duty Upright Vacuum
## 2 Acco Suede Grain Vinyl Round Ring Binder
## 3 Avery Durable Slant Ring Binders With Label Holder
## 4 Avery Round Ring Poly Binders
## 5 Acco 3-Hole Punch
## Sales Quantity Discount Profit Shipping_Cost Order_Priority Low_Priority
## 1 0.44 1 0.8 -1.11 1.01 Medium FALSE
## 2 0.56 1 0.8 -0.95 1.08 Medium FALSE
## 3 0.84 1 0.8 -1.34 1.06 Medium FALSE
## 4 0.85 1 0.7 -0.60 1.10 High FALSE
## 5 0.88 1 0.8 -1.40 1.09 High FALSE
## High_Shipping Discounted_US
Hint: Do not wrap the column name in quotations.
4.7 Summarizing variables with summarise()
The summarise()
function synthesizes information into a data frame with information like totals, averages, medians, and so on.
takes an unlimited number of parameters, where each parameter will appear as a column.
⭐ Task 4.7-1
Preview statistics
Preview the mean sales values and mean discount values in the discounted US purchases data using the summarise()
- parameter 1:
columnName = mean(column)
- another parameter:
columnName2 = mean(another column)
Check your code
#Only purchases made in the US with discounts
discountedUSPurchases %>%
#average sale price and average discount
summarise(meanSales = mean(Sales), meanDiscount = mean(Discount))%>%
#finish the command with view() to preview this
#To retrieve this data later, assign this command to a new variable.
Hint: Both spellings, summarize
or summarise
, will work.
4.8 Analyzing groups with group_by()
Let’s say we wanted to know how profitable each US city is.
We can get the average profit, but grouped by US city.
From this, we can sort by profit to see what the most and least profitable cities are.
⭐ Task 4.8-1
Create a data frame
Create a data frame of US Cities and their average profit for each.
- You will use the
data frame to create this new data frame. - Name the new data frame
. - You will use
, where each row will be a city. - You will use
function to get the summary statistics for each city. - The statistic you will be summarizing total
values on purchases made in the US where the items have been discounted.
Do not create a new variable using head(5)
Check your code
#Only purchases made in the US with discounts
USCityProfits <- discountedUSPurchases %>%
group_by(City) %>% # group by city purchase was made in
summarise(totalProfit = sum(Profit)) # average profit for each city
The table will be sorted by city, alphabetically
You can use the functions you just learned to review this new data frame.
⭐ Sort the table by Profit
using the arrange()
function to order it by the lowest profitable city to the highest profitable city.
Check your code
USCityProfits <- USCityProfits %>% arrange(totalProfit)
⭐ View the 5 least profitable cities.
Check your code
USCityProfits <- USCityProfits %>% arrange(sum(totalProfit))
# Least profitable are at the top of our data frame, since `arrange()` puts data in ascending order by default.
USCityProfits %>% head(5)
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
## City totalProfit
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Philadelphia -13838.
## 2 Houston -10153.
## 3 San Antonio -7299.
## 4 Lancaster -7243.
## 5 Chicago -6655.
⭐ View the 5 most profitable cities.
Use tail()
to get the last 5 rows of a data frame.
Check your code
USCityProfits <- USCityProfits %>% arrange(totalProfit)
# Most profitable are at the end of our data frame
USCityProfits %>% tail(5)
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
## City totalProfit
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 San Diego 2895.
## 2 San Francisco 7067.
## 3 Seattle 7452.
## 4 Los Angeles 12697.
## 5 New York City 16994.
📍 Reminder! Save your work