Activity 3 - Analyzing Survey Results

  1. Now that some people have answered your survey, let’s analyze the results! On the top ribbon click on ANALYZE RESULTS and you will see unique graphs according to the responses you got. For example:
    create survey

  2. There are several ways to explore the results, in this introductory workshop we will save all the graphs to our computer and they will be ready to be used on your presentations, papers, reports, etc.

    create survey create survey

    • Click on the green SAVE AS button, the Export file, and then click on All summary data. Choose PPT and click EXPORT. The system will begin to prepare the file to be exported.
    • Go to the left pane and click on the EXPORTS button, following that click on the file named PPT: Data+ALL_111111.pptx (the name will change according to the date). create survey

  3. You can now Sign Out of SurveyMonkey by clicking on your user name on the top right of the page.

  4. The file with the responses have now been downloaded to your computer and you are ready to use your survey results!

Well done! You have completed a SurveyMonkey survey and downloaded the results!

Reference Sheet
or Optional: Advanced Branching
or NEXT STEP: Workshop Informal Credential