A single Observational Unit is Stored in Multiple Tables

Tidy Data Rule(s) Broken: Each type of observational unit forms a table

Take a look at all the tables with “multiple-tables” in their name. Notice that they all have the same variables (headers) and observational units (student mental health)? These tables are separated by date the survey was taken, however, date is a variable, not an observational unit.

1. Select the "multiple-tables-1" table from the left pane.


  1. On the Home tab in combine section, click the arrow on the right of Append Queries, choose Append Queries as New.
  2. In the Append window, select Three or more tables.
  3. Hold down CTRL (Windows) or Command (Mac) and select the OTHER two tables (“multiple-tables-2” & “multiple-tables-3”). If they are selected they will be highlighted.
  4. Click Add» then OK.
  5. The table is now titled “Append1” give it a more descriptive name (eg. Student Mental Health Survey)
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Click for Navigation help [MAC]

This is the last of the power query steps. In the top navigation pane, in the Home tab, select Close & Load. Your data should now save as tables in sheets of your Excel Workbook (it may take a few seconds to load).

NEXT STEP: Variables in Excel